About Me
Hi, my name is Emily Bradley, and welcome to Snowbird Haven!
I created this blog as a way to share my experiences with others who are already living the snowbird lifestyle and looking to improve it, or for those considering becoming a snowbird.
I’ve got a lot of experience traveling across the US, and I wanted to leverage that knowledge to share useful tips and tricks, knowledge, and answer some of the common FAQS all in one place.
My History
I was born and raised in the northern United States, and one thing I learned pretty early on in life is: I hate the cold and snow. Sure, there’s something charming about the first snowfall of the year, but after that, I’m out.
While a part of my heart will always lie in New England, the older I get, the more I want to escape it during the coldest months.
That’s where the snowbirding lifestyle earned its appeal for me. When the bad weather starts to loom, I head south to find warmer climates to get me through until spring and warmer weather returns.
I do have a full time job; one that thankfully allows me the ability to travel during different seasons. I haven’t always had that option, though, and I’ve always found a way to make it work. No matter the season of life you’re in, there’s still a way to enjoy a snowbird trip!
My Experience
I’ve been traveling across the US for over 20 years. I’ve done a lot of research, experienced and seen a lot of things, and also learned much through my first hand experience and that of others I’ve met.
Nearly 10 years of my travel was done in an RV – it’s safe to say I’ve seen a lot of truck stops and campgrounds over the years. I also learned a lot about packing, essential travel items, and even repairs along the way. I still haven’t lived down that time I forgot the toothpaste!
In addition to RVing, I’ve also personally driven a car from Maine to Florida, from New York to Texas, and more! I’ve seen I-95 pretty much in its entirety (plus a lot of things along the way).
I’ve had the experience of traveling solo, as well as with my husband, and my entire family at various points in my life.
Not only that, I’ve packed up everything and moved hundreds of miles across state lines more than once in my life. It’s safe to say I know a thing or two about being in a new place and getting settled!
What You’ll Get Here
I designed Snowbird Haven to be a place to share all of the knowledge that I’ve learned with others, because I want you to enjoy being a snowbird too!
Whether you’re trying to pick a place to snowbird, nervous about making your first trip, or just looking for something new to do where you already go, I’m here to help.
In fact, in a reverse twist, my own parents started snowbirding after I did! They now pack up an RV and head to Florida annually as well.
I want this site to be a one-stop repository of information to help you dream, plan, learn, and enjoy your very best snowbird lifestyle.
Keep in Touch
If you want to contact me directly with a question or if there’s a topic you’d like to see me cover in a future article, reach out to me via the Contact option.
I continue to travel annually and check out new places along the way, and I’d love to showcase some of your favorites as well! I firmly believe in learning from others – that’s the premise this site was founded on to begin with!
Otherwise, happy traveling! Maybe I’ll see you out there on the road!