Comprehensive Snowbirds Leaving for the Summer Checklist

When the mercury starts to climb and summer sets in, it’s time for snowbirds to start their packing bags and heading back North. How do you make sure you’ve taken care of everything before you shove off, though? My comprehensive snowbirds leaving for the summer checklist has you covered!

The most important thing you can do as a snowbird is always have a plan. One of my favorite tools is a comprehensive checklist to tackle all the housekeeping items that come with leaving your Florida (or other southern) residence for an extended absence.

This will ensure everything is in ship-shape, and you won’t be welcomed by nasty surprises when you return! Even if you don’t own a second home, you can still use parts of it that do apply to whatever your own snowbird journey looks like!

complete snowbirds leaving for the summer checklist snowbird haven featured image

Importance of Taking Care of Things Before Returning North

So, what is really the importance of taking care of things before returning North each year? Well, imagine this. You’re rolling back towards your Florida abode after enjoying the cool Northern summer, only to find that your home has become the hotbed of mold growth!

It’s a sight no one wants to see, and you probably could have avoided it by running through your leaving for the summer checklist!

That’s why it’s so important to take care of things properly before you leave. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say! In the case of the mold, it’s as simple as not setting the air conditioner. It stayed off, the humidity shot past 85 degrees, and the moisture had a field day!

Another common issue is pesky critters turning your home into theirs. This is where pest control before leaving becomes golden. Who can forget potential plumbing nuisances, like sewer gases wafting up because the traps dried? A simple trick of pouring a cup of vegetable oil into the drains can save the day.

Security is another major issue. I’m not just talking about locking the exterior doors and windows. Look into setting up a reliable security system, and keeping lights on timers to give the illusion of an occupied house.

This also includes less obvious things, like disconnecting the landline phone to avoid the tell-tale sign of a ringing phone with no answer, and securing the outdoor furniture.

Understanding the Snowbirds’ Summer Routine

Isn’t it fascinating how we snowbirds run from the brutal winters of the North, and then, when the summer starts scorching, we run right back to it?

When the skin starts to glisten just a tad bit too much, we know it’s time to leave for the summer. Thus begins the routine of preparing our winter homes while we’re away.

The key to smoothly navigating this migratory lifestyle is preparation. We’ve got our snowbird checklist and home preparation tips down to an art.

Securing homes, setting up maintenance measures, arranging for mail redirection, and many more tasks are all well-rehearsed ballet before we start heading north for the summer.

They’re all important steps, though, for peace of mind as we take off on the journey north, knowing our Florida homes will be just as we left them when we return.

Common Challenges and Solutions for Snowbirds Leaving in Summer

Look, every snowbird knows that hitting the road isn’t always a sunny walk in the park. That snowbird lifestyle, chasing the sun and spending those summer months away from our beloved winter retreats, can come with a few bumps on the road.

Now, the first challenge for us sun-chasers is securing our property. Yeah, we all know about locking doors and windows, but that’s not the whole shebang! Your property’s safety also includes smoke detectors, newspaper delivery, and even vehicle maintenance.

Wouldn’t it be grand if we didn’t have to worry about all that? Well, there are property management services that can take care of the nitty-gritty while we’re off enjoying ourselves. So, that’s problem number one solved.

Expert Tips to Manage These Challenges

Now, let’s talk about utility management. Nobody wants to come back to a messed-up house after a gorgeous summer, right? That’s where tips from the experienced birds come in handy.

For starters, consider covering the floor drains with plastic. It sounds like a weird thing to do, but it can save you from unwelcome odors.

Clean out your refrigerator and pantry of perishable items, or things that will expire before you return. Seal foods into airtight containers to maintain freshness and keep pests out. After all, no one wants to deal with a haunted fridge after a lovely summer away!

Aside from that, there is always the constant worry of an electricity hiccup messing things up at home. Talk about a real summer bummer! Here’s an expert tip: set your thermostat at a safe temperature. You wouldn’t want your sweet retreat to turn into a greenhouse!

Essential Steps in the Snowbird’s Summer Checklist

Let’s sweep through the essential steps in the snowbird’s summer checklist. Here’s where we get to the nitty-gritty bits of ensuring everything back home is hunky-dory while we’re off chasing the sun.

Securing Your Property before Departure

Okay, securing your property ain’t just about bolting the doors and setting the alarm. It’s more like preparing the fort while you’re away. First things first: get in touch with your security company. 

Let them know about your plans so they keep an extra eye on your property, or invest in something like a Ring doorbell which allows you to view video feeds from your phone, even when you’re far away!

Aside from that, make sure all doors and windows are locked. Sounds like a given, but you’d be surprised how many folks forget the basics!

Next up, your refrigerator and freezer. Listen, you need to clear these bad boys out completely. Trust me, there’s no smell quite like month-old milk.

Similarly, check in on your vehicle’s maintenance cause nobody likes returning to a dead car.

Last but not least, cover the interior doors and deposit box with plastic wrap to keep them from collecting dust.

beach and rocks at low tide

Addressing Plumbing Concerns

Plumbing. The unsung hero in your house most of the time, but when it acts up, boy, can it become a headache. First off, your faucets. With the hot southern climate, those little fellas can undergo a bit of wear and tear. Fighting off that strong water pressure, they might start to leak. And let me tell you, a drip here and there adds up.

The U.S. Geological Society says a faucet dripping once every minute can waste nearly 35 gallons yearly. That’s just one faucet! Then, you’ve got your washing machines, tubs, showers – anything that uses water.

Appliances like your washer are designed for a workout, handling hot and cold water, soap, and all the grime from your clothes.

Over time, seals can fail, filters can clog, hoses loosen, and metal rust – all causing leaks. Don’t let these problems fester. Check all your taps and seals before you leave, and consider turning off the water entirely while you’re gone if you don’t need it to power your sprinklers or something similar.

Preemptively Tackling Potential Household Issues

Like a detective who preempts a crime before it even happens, we need to tackle potential household issues in advance. Get it done and dusted before you drive off into the sunset northbound! Save yourself the surprise of coming back to an unpleasant mess.

Imagine this. You come back to your summer home after the winter, dreaming of a cool float in your pool. But instead, you find your AC unit on the fritz, your refrigerator humming its last tune, and, to top it off, a family of raccoons have made themselves comfy in your living room.

Not quite the welcome home party anyone hopes for, right?

So, before you lock up and head north, run a final check. Like a car mechanic giving a good once over before a long journey, look at things like the heating system and any potential leaks or drafts from your windows and doors.

Little things make a big difference when you’re away for months!

Clearing Out the Refrigerator

This isn’t a pretty picture, but imagine coming back to a stench of rotten food after a long summer sabbatical up North. You need to ensure there’s not a slice of cheese or a slice of ham left in there.

I mean, throw out everything! It’ll save you from spending a day doing cleanup in the summer. Empty that fridge. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.

Saving Up on the Electricity

Now, let’s tackle electricity. You don’t want to rack up a crazy bill, right? Okay then, shut down all but a few essential exterior lights for security.

As to the air conditioning? Crank it up to around 78 degrees — don’t turn it off entirely. You might also think about unplugging your electric appliances! This can help prevent accidents, as well as keep them safe should a power surge occur.

Navigating the Search for Reliable Home Maintenance Services

Here’s a little secret I’ve learned over the years. Searching for reliable home maintenance services is tough. You want someone dependable. But fret not! I’ll guide you through this maintenance quest.

Take out that handy checklist for leaving and prepare to tick off some boxes. Start by talking to your neighbors – they usually have the 411 on reliable folks in the area. I mean, who better to ask, right?

Be clear about what you need, whether it’s routine maintenance, checks on your heating system, or just someone to make sure no critters have made your home their holiday retreat.

Lock all doors and windows and secure them with additional security measures. Remember, better safe than sorry.

Lastly, if you have a property manager, make sure to inform them about your plans. They can help keep an eye out and even take care of some maintenance tasks.

Completing this checklist before leaving will ensure a worry-free summer and a sweet homecoming in the fall!

coastal beach town and cliffs

Complete Snowbirds Leaving For Summer Checklist

  • Security
    • Lock all windows and doors
    • Close all blinds and shades
    • Do not leave any valuables, or hide them from sight if you need to
    • Put visible interior lights on a timer to appear like you are home
    • Add motion detecting lights and/or cameras externally
    • Arm your security system
    • Check phone connection with cameras (if applicable)
    • Bring in outdoor furniture
    • Arrange for a trusted neighbor or property manager to check in
    • Leave emergency home and/or vehicle keys with a trusted local
  • Utilities
    • Cancel or forward phone service (for house phones)
    • Turn off Wi-Fi (unless needed for camera system)
    • Cancel cable service
    • Unplug electric appliances and electronics that will not be used (TV, toaster, etc)
    • Turn off water at the main (unless needed for sprinklers or similar)
    • Shut toilet water off for each toilet, and flush until the bowl is empty (to prevent mold and mildew)
    • Forward your mail or place a mail hold with the post office
    • Transfer prescriptions back to your (new) local pharmacy
  • Maintenance
    • Cover drains with plastic
    • Empty the refrigerator
    • Toss pantry foods that will expire, secure the rest in airtight sealed containers
    • Cover furniture with plastic or cloths (optional, to prevent dust)
    • Set air conditioner to 78°F
    • Arrange for lawn, pest, and/or pool maintenance
    • Check for any water leaks, appliance issues, roof leaks or other maintenance items and address them
    • Clean gutters
    • Trim trees and secure them with stakes if needed
    • Take out all trash and recycling (do not leave cans out)
    • Wipe down counters to remove all food debris
    • Clean garbage disposal (if applicable)
    • Run the dishwasher and empty it
    • Turn water heater down to “vacation mode” with a low temperature
    • Check washer and dryer for clothes and clear them out
    • Make the bed (so you don’t need to do it when you just arrive back)
  • Vehicles
    • Arrange for shipping or driving vehicle back
    • If leaving your vehicle, wash it, get an oil change, fill up the gas tank, disconnect the battery, and secure it in a safe location (these all help prevent damage and returning to a dead car)

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should Be on a Snowbirds Leaving for the Summer Checklist?

A comprehensive snowbirds leaving for the summer checklist should include tasks such as securing the home, arranging for mail delivery, organizing storage, handling utilities, and preparing vehicles for storage or travel.

It also includes turning off utilities, setting schedules, and arranging for check-ins as needed.

Why is a Checklist Important Before Snowbirds Leave for the Summer?

A checklist is crucial before snowbirds leave for the summer to ensure they address essential tasks and mitigate any potential issues while they are away.

It helps by providing peace of mind during their absence.

When Should Snowbirds Begin Preparing to Leave for the Summer?

Snowbirds should begin preparing to leave for the summer well in advance, ideally several weeks before their departure date.

This allows ample time for completing necessary tasks and arrangements, or tackling any issues that may arise.

How Can Snowbirds Secure Their Home Before Leaving for the Summer?

Snowbirds can secure their home before leaving for the summer by installing security measures such as locks, alarms, and timers.

Exterior security includes arranging for lawn care and maintenance, and notifying trusted neighbors or authorities of their absence.

What Should Snowbirds Do with Mail While They’re Away for the Summer?

Snowbirds should arrange for mail delivery services such as forwarding, hold mail, or mail pickup by a trusted friend or neighbor while they are away.

This prevents mail accumulation and helps to deter potential burglaries.

How Can Snowbirds Prepare Their Home for Long-Term Absence?

Snowbirds can prepare their home for long-term absence by unplugging appliances, adjusting thermostats, shutting off water supply, securing windows and doors, and removing perishable items from the refrigerator.

Make sure to leave keys with a trusted neighbor or management company in case of emergencies.

Are There Any Special Considerations for Snowbirds Storing Vehicles for the Summer?

Yes, snowbirds storing vehicles for the summer should perform maintenance tasks such as fluid checks, tire inflation, battery maintenance, and securing the vehicle in a safe and designated storage area.

Also consider leaving a set of keys with a trusted neighbor in case the vehicle needs to be moved in an emergency.

What Utilities Should Snowbirds Address Before Leaving for the Summer?

Snowbirds should address utilities before leaving for the summer by scheduling service suspensions or adjustments for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone to avoid unnecessary charges and ensure safety.

While electric or water may need to stay on to maintain systems, things not in use may be unplugged or turned off.

How Can Snowbirds Ensure a Smooth Transition Before Leaving for the Summer?

Snowbirds can ensure a smooth transition before leaving for the summer by systematically following their leaving for the summer checklist, double-checking completed tasks, and making arrangements for any unforeseen circumstances to enjoy a worry-free seasonal departure.

This helps deliver peace of mind when you are away from your home for an extended period of time.

Wrap-Up: Final Checks Before Heading North

You’ve done all the grunt work: secured the property, managed plumbing issues, sorted out potential household concerns, and even hired someone trustworthy for home maintenance. Remember, better safe than sorry.

Check your alarm systems. Double-check them. That peace of mind knowing your home is secure while you’re gone is priceless. Make sure all your keys are accounted for and that you have a full set, which includes all home, deposit box, and mailbox keys.

Leave extra keys to the home with a trustworthy neighbor or professional management company. You never know when you may need a little help from your friends! So there you have it: wrap-up of the final checks before you head North for the summer.

If you’re looking for the process in reverse, make sure to check out my handy Snowbird Checklist For Leaving Home to prepare your Northern home for heading south.

Have a safe journey!

Emily Bradley

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